Special eventsPlease fill out the form below and we'll do our best to accommodate your desired date and any requests you may have to make your party/celebration memorable.Your request has been sent to the restaurantWe will contact you soon.{{reservations.serverError}}Name: Phone Number: Email: Number of people in party: # in partyParty month: Party day date: Party time: Description / Requests (optional): SubmitYour request is being processed, please wait...
Location3020 University AvenueSan Diego, CA92104North Park Garage $1 per hourHoursMon, Thur, Fri7:30 AM - 2:30 PMSun, Sat7:00 AM - 3:00 PMTues, WedClosedFind us on...Twitter pageFacebook pageInstagram pageYelp pageGoogle pageTrip Advisor pageContact us(619)-539-7242social@flapyourjacks.com